10 Km Route

Start at Gantry on Massachusetts Dr. at YMCA parking lot

Turn left on Carolina Dr. at lights and continue down Main St. to Boland Drive (1.8 km mark)

Turn left on Boland Dr. and continue to West St.

Turn left on West St. and continue to its intersection with Queen St.
(Water Station 2.6 km mark)

Turn left on Queen and continue to the intersection with Minnesota (past Dominion) (3km mark)

Turn Right on Minnesota Drive and continue past hospital to Connecticut Drive (5.5 km mark)(water station)

Turn right onto Connecticut and continue to intersection with Carolina Dr. at end of ramp. (7.5 km mark) (Water Station)

Turn right on Carolina and run back across the ramp to Massachusetts Drive.

Turn left on Massachusetts Drive and continue to the finish line at the YMCA.

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